Thursday, March 10, 2011

Evan is 18 Months!

So my little guy is already a year and a half. I thought I would take just a minute to tell you what he has been up to!

He is hilarious! He is such a funny kid- he likes to try to copy what you do, but he always puts his little spin on it :)

He loves to have his picture taken and is turning into a little ham in front of the camera.

He gets into everything! We have a daily search for his pacifier that he seems to hide every day before I can steal it from him so that I can't find it before his nap. It is in very strange places - places I didn't know he could get into- sometimes we look for a really long time :)

He loves his big sister Hailey- he gets so excited to wake her up every morning (because he is always awake before she is) and he has got quite a scream that could wake the whole neighborhood if we let him out!

His favorite game is Hide and Seek- But he only really likes to find! He will hold his hands over his eyes and sigh after everytime you say a number. And then he will not stop until he has found you- Everyone will know when he has found someone because that scream again- he will scream as loud as he can- he gets so excited :)

He loves taking baths when you mention the word his hands go up in the air and he will yell Yeah!!! and race you to the bathroom. We have to be careful when we say that word in our house. :)

He is a pretty good eater- and will eat just about everything. But he is too impatient to use utensils (trust me I have tried) He tries once or twice and then dives in with both hands. Ryan and I will busy ourselves with clean up so the other will have to clean him up!

He is a climber- anything he can climb or stand on- he has! But he is pretty good on his feet- he has been walking for half of his life now and he is pretty good and it- and running! One of Hailey and his favorite things to do is to run up and down our entry way as fast as they can and then smash into the couch- I love it when they can play with eachother and wear themselves out at the same time.

He loves his Daddy! He loves to stand by the door and wave goodbye in the morning and when he hears the garage open at the end of the day- that scream again- I always know when Ryan is home. He will cuddle with Ryan in the morning sometimes to the point that he doesn't let Ryan get ready for work :)

He is starting to talk just a little - he says mama and dada, yeah, ball and occasionally up- He will still usually sign most of what he wants but everything else he seems to get by grunting and pointing. He is an absolute joy to be around and I am grateful everyday and I have him in my life. I am so proud to be his mommy! I love you Evan-


  1. That is so sweet, I cannot believe he is that old already! Time goes so fast. He sure is a cutie!

  2. Big 18, woo hoo! He's a handsome little man!
